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Ramaz Abesadze


In order to accelerate the development of innovative economics in developing countries, the state regulation of the relevant processes must be implemented through the State Regulation Mechanism for the formation of innovative economics. Its essence is that it has been based on state regulation of market principles it must promote the acceleration of innovative development of the economy.

Formation and management of state regulation mechanism for formation of innovative economy is carried out by regulatory state bodies. The main elements of this mechanism are: legislative and statutory basis of regulation; regulation tools; system of regulation Indices; innovative system infrastructure; system of innovative economy formation measures.

For the formation of innovative economics, it is essential to form the most active part of the formal institutions - legislative basis (laws, normative acts, regulations) that are aimed at improving the business environment and the maximum efficient functioning of the market mechanism.

None of the previous governments in Georgia would have seen the innovations as a priority of state interests, and that is why the formation of the legal basis of innovation starts mainly now.

Selection of regulation forms, methods and instruments is based on the level of economic development and the nature of the measures the implementation of which is planned during the regulation. Basically, you can distinguish between administrative and economic methods.

Determining the level of innovative development of the country and then developing the appropriate system of measures is impossible without the existence of Indicators system. Such a system may include: 1. Innovative development indicators of the entire country; 2. Innovative development indicators of the region; 3. Innovative development indicators of enterprises. In the innovative development of the country can include: the volume of investments on innovations, education, scientific research and experimental projects; productivity, return of capital, material intensity; the share of studies on research (science) and education in the country's gross national product; the share of innovative products in gross output; improvement of Innovative system Infrastructure; government order on scientific research the volume of innovations based on their own research; level of development of grant system and others.

To the innovative development indicators of the region can be attributed: the joint costs on research and development in the region; Business expenses on research and development; number of newly created products; number of small enterprises; number of educational institutions; the existence of research and experimental organizations; existence of testing types and consultation stations, business incubators etc.

The innovative development indicators of enterprises can distinguish: the share of new products in gross output; Free cash; Scientific-technical potential; Material-technical resources; Human capital; Introduction of new technologies; Enterprise restructuring; Reconstruction and re-equipment of enterprises etc.

Innovative system infrastructure consists of subjects whose activities are aimed at facilitating the communication cooperation of educational, scientific, private and public sectors and implementation of innovative activities. It is through this infrastructure to transform the decisions of state agencies and private sector into innovation. That means that all processes are made from scientific discoveries to innovations.

The measures for the formation of innovative economy will be developed by the Government, due to the economic and social development of the country. These measures can be divided into common and specific events.

Common measures include activities that characterize the entire economy and facilitate maximum operational efficiency of the market mechanism, in the conditions of the same effective regulation of economy by the state.

Specific characteristic events can also be divided into two groups: events that provide the import of innovations and measures that strengthen their own innovative system.

While the innovative system based on its own research is formed the priority should be given to the inflow of innovations that are carried out through foreign investments (mainly by transnational corporations) or through acquisition of technologies by national firms. The state should: 1. Promote the improvement of the investment environment; 2. Implement benefits for importing technologies; 3. Enhance Competition; 4. Facilitate the development of relevant personnel. 5. Create technologies for international transfer centers (or facilitate their creation) 6. Use innovative vouchers that provide financial incentives for companies to buy international innovative consulting services based on which new innovations and others will be created.

From the events that provide the strengthening of its own innovative system can be distinguished:

1. The concept of formation of innovative economics is embedded. It will include: analysis of the current situation; Goals and objectives; Innovative policy; Development of innovative system (science, education, innovative infrastructure); Implementation stages, etc.

2. An innovative economy formation program in which the goals defined by the strategy, the deadlines for implementation and the state bodies responsible for the performance of the event will be concretized.

The work also defines the shortcomings in the field of innovative development in Georgia and offers general directions for forming innovative economics in the country.